Monday, May 31, 2010

We Remember - SOLD

We Remember, ACEO - 3-1/2 x 2-1/2, acrylic on 140# watercolor paper

I stopped to take pictures at an old cemetery near our house the other day and a veterans group was there placing flags on the graves of those who have served.

I couldn't help but be touched.
Happy Memorial Day
I love old cemeteries - for their beauty, for their tranquility, for their sense of our past and our history.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Challenge Painting

"Reaching" is now up on the painting gallery for the May Challenge! The artist who runs the painting forum left a very nice critique. Check it out here:

Friday, May 21, 2010


Reaching, 3 x 5", acrylic on canvas
available at MiXtMedia Gallery

This painting is for the May challenge on The challenge was to create an abstract picture using a flower as a starting point. I thought it would be a good challenge to try since I haven't done much with abstraction lately. I wanted to take this painting a little further, but once I found myself getting to fussy with it, I knew it was time to walk away.

I'd like to try this one again on a larger scale someday. And I know I will try more floral abstractions in the future....I've already started another one!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Another ACEO......

 "Lilies of the Valley"
Garden Series
2-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper

Yet another ACEO.....

I'm trying to get at least five or six in my shop - the ACEtsy Team has a "strive for five" policy - which is a good goal for me anyways! They seem to be selling pretty quickly, so I haven't been able to keep five around for long.

This painting is of lilies-of-the-valley from my front yard. I love the way they smell!

Listing here:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New ACEO - Listed and SOLD!!

"School Bus"
Vehicle Series
2-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper

I listed this new ACEO Monday night and it sold within a few hours.

It's the beginning of a series of vehicle ACEOs...I think I've been spending too much time in the bus line at school.....

Other ACEOs here:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

First Blog Feature!

I am one of the featured artists for this week in the IndieJunction blog! I am so excited!

Check it out here:

Friday, May 7, 2010