Monday, January 30, 2012

On the Dot - SOLD

On the Dot
2.5 x 3.5 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper

Another little candy study....I like the way this type of candy kind of "glows" in the light.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Plain or Peanut? SOLD

Plain or Peanut?
2.5 x 3.5 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper

Which are your favorite? Mine would have to be peanut.
I can't believe how many different kinds of M&Ms are on the store shelves these days! The pretzel ones are pretty good, but I'll have to stick with peanut as my favorite.

This was a fun one to paint. The shapes and sizes of the peanut M&Ms vary, so it made it a little extra challenging. I'm thinking about doing a small series of 5x7 paintings of candy. I will probably do a few of these little ones as studies to look at compositions and decide if I'm going to go ahead and do some a little larger.

This piece will be available at West Village Provisions in Boxford, MA through the month of February.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Wandering Vine

Wandering Vine
4x4 inches
acrylic on gessobord panel

This is one of those paintings that I am finding hard to declare "done". I feel like I can just keep glazing more and more color on those grapes. I think it is time to step away.....

I love the way that fickle little vine just kind wanders around these solid grapes kind of aimlessly. I wanted to try to capture a bit of the translucent nature of the grapes too. Grapes are a tough subject. But I keep coming back to them because there is so much to work on.

Lots of deadlines and events coming up....I'd better get painting! But tonight is the opening for the Winter Warmup show at MiXtMedia - can't wait to see my work hanging in the gallery!
Wandering Vine - $55 + $4.95 shipping in the US
(please contact me for international shipping)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bashful Blackberries - SOLD

Bashful Blackberries
2.5 x 3.5 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper
Okay.... the last of this little berry series I think! These little berries just seemed so shy after the big bold red raspberries.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ravishing Raspberries - SOLD

Ravishing Raspberries
2.5. x 3.5 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper
Winter finally came to New England today with a vengeance!
It was nice to stay in today and watch the snow piling up outside while dreaming of all the summer berries.....

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Opening Reception

Next sure to check it out if you are local!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sweet Strawberry - SOLD

Sweet Strawberry
2.5 x 3.5 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper

Another in this little berry series!
This little guys definitely have me thinking spring.......

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Summer Sprig SOLD

Summer Sprig
2.5 x 3.5 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper

A little taste of summer on a cold grey day!
Expect to see a number of these little berry paintings over the next few days - a special request from a customer.

And sorry I forgot, but here is the picture of all the Sun Dance paintings together:

Not the best quality photo, but hopefully enough to give you the idea.
They are all at MiXtMedia Gallery now....getting ready for the Winter Warmup opening (more details to come!)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Broken Up

Broken Up
2.5 x 3.5 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper

Just wanted to sneak in a little Valentine's (anti-Valentine?) painting before I start working on a small commission this week.

Those fun but oh-so-chalky conversation hearts........Love them? Or hate them?
Broken Up - $15 + $1.70 shipping in the US
(please contact me for international shipping)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Take a Walk in My Shoes

Take a Walk in My Shoes
5 x 6.25 inches
acrylic on board

My boots felt like they deserved equal time with my husbands'! These boots have seen many, many miles - I am definitely more a "boot" than "shoe" person and I have worn these practically every day since I bought them about 13 years ago. Alas, I am sad to say that they are no more....the sole finally totally separated from the boot and no amount of shoe goo and duct tape could repair the damage. I did get a new pair of boots for Christmas - once they develop a little character with age, maybe they will warrant a painting of their own.....

(I HAD to use this title - I've had The Wreckers song "Stand Still, Look Pretty" in my head practically the whole time I worked this!)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Old Friends - SOLD

Old Friends
6-1/8 x 5 inches
acrylic on board

These are my husband's boots - you know the kind - they wait by the door, ready for chopping wood, shoveling snow, raking leaves, digging dirt, anything wet or dirty. Not very pretty, but definitely practical....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Stylish Home Feature

I just found out that one of my paintings is featured in the Stylish Home eCatalog! Pretty cool.

You can check it out here:

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sun Dance Series - #4

Sun Dance Series - #4
Summer Sun
5x5 inches
acrylic on canvas
available here

Okay...this is the last one for the sunflowers for right now. I still want to do one more, but it will have to wait until I am done doing pieces for the upcoming show, plus a little commission I need to complete.

I wanted to do this one facing full up into the sun, soaking in the sun of summer. Definitely a contrast to the cold days of winter we are having now! Tomorrow I will touch up all the edges and take a picture of the four sunflowers together before I start varnishing.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sun Dance Series - #3 SOLD

Sun Dance Series - #3
5x5 inches
acrylic on canvas

This is #3 of 4. I think I am going to call this series "Sun Dance". A little bit about what is behind this series.....

I found out that the theme for the January show at the MiXtMedia gallery is "Winter Warmup". To me, sunflowers seemed the perfect thing to paint  - just the thing to brighten up the greys of winter. And the effect of the strong morning light coming through my window and illuminating the sunflowers just seemed to make the petals and leaves come alive and dance in the light. I am planning to do four paintings of different views of the sunflowers - kind of representing the four seasons. I have one left to do, but I also have two views that I would like to paint. I think my last one will have to be a face-up towards the sun view - one for representing "summer". I still want to do one more view from the back of the sunflower, but I think that will have to wait until I am done painting for this show. I still have a few more paintings I would like to complete - and they are due at the gallery on Saturday (eek!) - so off to paint some more.......

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sunflower Series - #2 SOLD

Sunflower #2
5x5 inches
acrylic on canvas

#2 of 4......
I do have an idea for what I want to do for titles for these sunflowers, but I think I want to see all 4 pieces together first. Can't think of a sunnier flower to be painting on a cold grey day  ;-)
I plan to hang them all together without framing.
Side view:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sunflower 1

Sunflower Series1
5x5 inches
acrylic on canvas
available here

My meager attempt to add a little sunshine to these cold winter days!
This will be a part of a mini series of 4 pieces. The painting wraps around the sides of the canvas, like this:

And they will get real titles, too........

Monday, January 2, 2012

Blooming New Year

Blooming New Year
3.5 x 2.5 inches
acrylic on watercolor paper

2012! Wow! Hard to believe 2011 went by so fast.
The holidays were so crazy busy I have hardly had time for a typical New Year's reflection or introspection. I do plan on making  my goals, just haven't had the chance yet.....

This painting is of a little mum - a resilient little thing - still blooming into our unusually mild winter. I had brought it home from my parents' anniversary party way back in  June, cut it down and planned on planting it so it would bloom in the fall. I never got around to planting it (which is probably why it survived our October snowstorm  ;-) and it has bloomed 3 times since - the last time being early December! I cut off a few flowers and put them in some of my little vases in my kitchen window. It is amazing how long they last.